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Showing posts from April, 2021

"I Love You 22"

  Season 3 Episode 22 . The number 22 is very significant in my life. It’s the day I was born.  It’s how old L was when I proposed to her.  It’s the day I said I love you to L for the first time. It's also the episode number where Laura finally tells Carmilla that she loves her.  So when this episode ended I figured this would be the best time to get to the I love you story.      Well, now things have finally gotten interesting.  Believe it or not, LaFontaine the level-headed one of the group went out and made an insane and rash decision.  She kidnaped the Dean and now they have her traped but with no way of bringing Perry back at the moment.  So they are left with taking shifts to watch her while they try and come up with a plan.        Carmilla warns Laura and Lafontaine not to listen to anything the Dean says.  LaFontaine and Carmilla take the first two shifts with Laura taking the third shift. ...

Parental Intervention

        Alright, the home stretch. Season three has started and a ton of exposition has occurred. The three travelers are stuck in the Library they find out everyone thought to be dead is alive kinda. Not much happens that relates to me and L.  Laura and Carmilla continue their awkward "friendship".  I have to give Carmilla credit she is being very patient with Laura.  Granted she is a three-hundred-year-old vampire she has the time.  Enter Laura's dear old Dad.       Like any great Dad, Laura’s Dad has been searching for Laura probably since the end of events in season one. He actually saves her from angry vampire Danny.  Laura’s Dad arrives with the plan of taking Laura home much to the agreement of Carmilla  Kinda surprising right? but not surprising.        I know it’s a cliche but we fall in love with people who remind us of a specific member of our family we are most close with...