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Parental Intervention


 Alright, the home stretch. Season three has started and a ton of exposition has occurred. The three travelers are stuck in the Library they find out everyone thought to be dead is alive kinda. Not much happens that relates to me and L.  Laura and Carmilla continue their awkward "friendship".  I have to give Carmilla credit she is being very patient with Laura.  Granted she is a three-hundred-year-old vampire she has the time.  Enter Laura's dear old Dad. 

    Like any great Dad, Laura’s Dad has been searching for Laura probably since the end of events in season one. He actually saves her from angry vampire Danny.  Laura’s Dad arrives with the plan of taking Laura home much to the agreement of Carmilla  Kinda surprising right? but not surprising. 


 I know it’s a cliche but we fall in love with people who remind us of a specific member of our family we are most close with.   Sure there are differences but it’s true L and I both did it.  I’m guessing but Laura is probably most like her mother.  Since her mother's death, Laura has developed a very close relationship with her dad.  So it’s not surprising that Carmilla and he agree on a lot of things.  

    Laura eventually convinces her Dad and Carmilla that she is staying.  Now, Dad has seen Laura’s vlogs he tells her just the highlights but deep down he has seen everyone.  He knows what Laura has been through he knows what Carmilla has done for his daughter and how she feels about her.  Parents just care even though it seems overbearing.  So when he and Carmilla are bonding over pictures of young Laura and exchanging stories he knows exactly what he’s doing. He knows Carmilla would do anything to protect Laura both physically and emotionally.  He also knows that he needs an ally in his corner someone he can trust.  

    Now L and her Dad are really close.  I’m pretty sure L is his favorite child.  No parent would ever admit that but she is.  Now he and I have a lot of similarities.  Heck, we dress similarly it happens too often for me to be making it up.  But we’re different in a lot of ways too.  Our biggest similarity is we will do anything and I mean anything to make sure L is happy.  Remember the snowstorm (Christmas Chaos).  

    Alright, L’s turn your all probably think mama’s boy right?  You would be dead wrong.  L is totally without a doubt my late grandmother.  L is every bit my grandmother kind, gentle, and really stubborn.  She would do anything to make sure I was happy as well.  When I first started to bring L around my family my grandmother was first to accept her and always tried to make her feel welcome and after we were married she made L feel like one of her grandchildren.

 Parents have a profound ability to help when they really aren’t trying to help. They also have a way of pushing us when we need to be pushed.  A great example of this is at the end of season one between Carmilla and her “Mother”. Now Carmilla's mother thinks she’s going to get everything she wants Laura dead and Carmilla back under her control.  What she really did was show Carmilla that she can love and be loved back.  Laura's "And Carmilla, you know" changed everything. My Dad did the same thing during the snowstorm.  

Parents also have a way of subtly almost cryptically telling us we need to pay attention to the right things even though we may be looking elsewhere.  For Laura and her Dad, this happens when her Dad is talking about her videos and seeing her getting bit by Carmilla.  He’s concerned.  He asks her to remember what he said when she came out. Laura says “Thank god you said it first.”( Which is how I plan to respond if any of my children go through that.). Dad comes in and says “After that.”  Laura responds with “Make sure whoever loves you deserves you.”  What every parent wants for their child.  Laura’s Dad already knows who that person is he wouldn’t be making this statement if he didn’t already know that Carmilla even with all her flaws knows she is the one who deserves his daughter.  Laura is too blinded at the moment by her gilt to realize what her Dad is saying but he has planted the seed in her mind and is waiting for that seed to grow.  

    My mother is the master at this.  My mom has been for years manipulating me showing me the right way even when I don’t want to hear it. A good example of this happened at L's and my wedding.  Vienna is a song by Billy Joel.  In the song lyrics, my mom had a message for me.  She chose this song as our Mother-Son dance.  The lyrics go 

 Slow down you crazy child.

You're so ambitious for a juvenile
But then if you're so smart tell me,
Why are you still so afraid? (mmmmm)
Where's the fire, what's the hurry about?
You better cool it off before you burn it out
You got so much to do and only
So many hours in a day (Ay)
But you know that when the truth is told
That you can get what you want
Or you can just get old
You're gonna kick off before you even get halfway through.
    My mom was telling me I was growing up too fast and that I need to slow down and enjoy the ride. She was telling me she was sad I was leaving and that these words were her last bit of advice for me from her.  I got the message after about a year of marriage L and I got a dog and subtly in her way let her know I got the message I named our dog Vienna.
    Parents can be a great example or a horrible example of how relationships work.  If your parents or grandparents have a great relationship that's how we want our relationships to be like.  Laura grew up reading books and stories and that is what she is basing her and Carmilla’s relationship on because she didn’t get to see her mom and dad's relationship unfortunately with her mom's passing.  So her dad is trying to tell her that it’s not a fairytale it’s more than that it’s hard work convincing someone that they deserve you and you deserve them.


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