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Showing posts from June, 2021

Laura Eileen Hollis

            Laura Eileen Hollis (played by  Elise Bauman ) is one of our two protagonists.  Laura is young, sheltered, naive, and headstrong.  When we were first introduced to Laura I instantly identified with her. ( Carmilla and Laura Parallels )  Things quickly change with the introduction of Carmilla.  This entry isn't about me or Carmilla.  It's really about Laura and L.  What makes them similar and what makes them different.  Laura does have a few similarities lets just say Laura and I love the sweets.  I will bring them up some of them at the appropriate moment.      Let's start with the differences.  Though they have a ton in common there are a few differences. Now it is no secret that Laura is naive and I could say the same thing about L.  The two both grew up in small towns and were out on their own for the first time.  How they were naive is where the differences lie....

The End or the Beginning? (Not everything goes to plan)

            The end or the beginning?  This is the question I thought about after the credits rolled.  The story was over.  Laura and Carmilla got their happy ending.  So why do I feel like this is just the beginning?  Simple they are headed to the greatest adventure in life a long relationship with your soul mate.  Learning to live with someone is quite a challenge.  L and I were at a similar point in our life as well.  So I did find something to relate to at the end of the story.           The first thing I want to do is point out how big of a moment the cocoa was in season one ( The Aha Moment )  Why? Because Laura said it was a big deal. " But we’ve had kisses, and cocoa, and stars,  and dancing.  That’s so much more than nothing." When your facing the end or what you think is the end you tend to reflect on the good things that happened.  Essentially this blog...