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Countess Mircalla "Carmilla" von Karnstein

            Countess Mircalla "Carmilla" von Karnstein is our other main protagonist.  Carmilla was born in 1680 in Steria, Austria to a Count.  She was murdered at a ball at the age of 18.  Resurrected as a vampire by  Lilita Morgan (The Dean of Silas University).  She lived a tortured life as a pawn for Lilita luring young girls to their doom.  She eventually met a young girl Elle who she developed a relationship.  Hiding her nature from Elle, Lilita reveals to Elle that Carmilla is a vampire.  Elle rejects Carmilla running to Lilita sending Elle to her doom.  She eventually would end up at Silas University continuing to work until she met a very headstrong, nieve, shrill of a girl named Laura.  So how does a 36-year-old father of three completely relate to a 300-year-old female vampire?  You're about to hear about our differences and our similarities.        Our differen...
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Laura Eileen Hollis

            Laura Eileen Hollis (played by  Elise Bauman ) is one of our two protagonists.  Laura is young, sheltered, naive, and headstrong.  When we were first introduced to Laura I instantly identified with her. ( Carmilla and Laura Parallels )  Things quickly change with the introduction of Carmilla.  This entry isn't about me or Carmilla.  It's really about Laura and L.  What makes them similar and what makes them different.  Laura does have a few similarities lets just say Laura and I love the sweets.  I will bring them up some of them at the appropriate moment.      Let's start with the differences.  Though they have a ton in common there are a few differences. Now it is no secret that Laura is naive and I could say the same thing about L.  The two both grew up in small towns and were out on their own for the first time.  How they were naive is where the differences lie....

The End or the Beginning? (Not everything goes to plan)

            The end or the beginning?  This is the question I thought about after the credits rolled.  The story was over.  Laura and Carmilla got their happy ending.  So why do I feel like this is just the beginning?  Simple they are headed to the greatest adventure in life a long relationship with your soul mate.  Learning to live with someone is quite a challenge.  L and I were at a similar point in our life as well.  So I did find something to relate to at the end of the story.           The first thing I want to do is point out how big of a moment the cocoa was in season one ( The Aha Moment )  Why? Because Laura said it was a big deal. " But we’ve had kisses, and cocoa, and stars,  and dancing.  That’s so much more than nothing." When your facing the end or what you think is the end you tend to reflect on the good things that happened.  Essentially this blog...

It's a Wonderful Life

            It's a Wonderful Life is an all-time classic movie released all the way back in 1946.  It's the story of George Baily (played by James Stewart) a man much like our character Laura.  George spends his life putting others ahead of himself.  George takes over the family business.  A building and loan for the small town he lives in.  George's uncle misplaced some money and George will go to jail if it isn't replaced.  George goes for a long walk and wishes he had never been born.  His wish is granted by his guardian angel.  George then experiences his town where he had never been born.  Realizing he has made a profound impact not just on the town but the people he has surrounded him in his life.        So why am I bring up this really old movie?  It's because Laura is about to learn a similar lesson to George.  After Luara's profession of love for Carmilla, Dean Per...

"I Love You 22"

  Season 3 Episode 22 . The number 22 is very significant in my life. It’s the day I was born.  It’s how old L was when I proposed to her.  It’s the day I said I love you to L for the first time. It's also the episode number where Laura finally tells Carmilla that she loves her.  So when this episode ended I figured this would be the best time to get to the I love you story.      Well, now things have finally gotten interesting.  Believe it or not, LaFontaine the level-headed one of the group went out and made an insane and rash decision.  She kidnaped the Dean and now they have her traped but with no way of bringing Perry back at the moment.  So they are left with taking shifts to watch her while they try and come up with a plan.        Carmilla warns Laura and Lafontaine not to listen to anything the Dean says.  LaFontaine and Carmilla take the first two shifts with Laura taking the third shift. ...

Parental Intervention

        Alright, the home stretch. Season three has started and a ton of exposition has occurred. The three travelers are stuck in the Library they find out everyone thought to be dead is alive kinda. Not much happens that relates to me and L.  Laura and Carmilla continue their awkward "friendship".  I have to give Carmilla credit she is being very patient with Laura.  Granted she is a three-hundred-year-old vampire she has the time.  Enter Laura's dear old Dad.       Like any great Dad, Laura’s Dad has been searching for Laura probably since the end of events in season one. He actually saves her from angry vampire Danny.  Laura’s Dad arrives with the plan of taking Laura home much to the agreement of Carmilla  Kinda surprising right? but not surprising.        I know it’s a cliche but we fall in love with people who remind us of a specific member of our family we are most close with...

Movie Night

        Who doesn't like a movie night?  Especially with someone you care about.  L and I spent many a night watching movies together just the two of us.  A great mix of rom-coms, action, horror, and comedies.  For Laura and Carmilla the VHS tapes they have found will lead to flashback material to life at Silas before Laura.          Ok, so season 0 not my favorite so far. Granted two things I did get from it all happened in the final episode.   A giant future prophecy and then a near miss.  What do I mean by a near miss?  Carmilla and Laura were in the same place before meeting the first time. Will start there first.      L and I have deduced that we had been in the same place at the same time three times before we met.  The first was an assembly in 5th or 6th grade.  We don't have very many details other than it had to do with D.A.R.E.  and it was at an arena....