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I Love you. I miss us.

    "I love you."  "I miss us." Two statements six words fifteen letters couldn't be simpler right.  The first statement "I love you" is happy, full of joy, caring, and passion.  The second "I miss us." is full of sadness, regret, and longing.  Simple, but oh so complicated.  How does one make a statement that knowingly contradicts its self?  When one has lost the first statement and is acknowledging that fact by the second statement.
     Let's start with "I love you" a statement very easy to say or very hard to say depending on the situation.  You say it to your parents as a child all the time hearing it over and over before bed not really knowing what it means.  When saying it to someone who isn't family that's when it gets hard.  My wife and I met on the first week of college and those words were spoken in five months pretty crazy right.   

    Now the "I miss us" a sad statement that is essentially me admitting to L that we aren't us.  We were married but not us.  Five years ago our middle child was born we moved into a new house we were both coaches both had jobs.  So, busy.  When your this busy time for us took a back seat.  We just didn't have time for the marriage part the love part the "us" part. We grew apart and it showed we argued we fought we didn't talk we didn't communicate.  I became withdrawn and stayed up late instead of going to bed with my wife. I was not at my best.   
      So how did I get to "I love you. I miss us."?  You have a better chance of winning the lottery than guessing how I came to that statement.  Let's start with me. I am as normal as normal can be I love sports and the outdoors I work in Horticulture.  My favorite book is Devil in the White City.  My favorite movie is the original Midway.  I golf in the summer and I love fried chicken.  I'm quite boring so why did the Canadian web series Carmilla inspire me to send the text "I love you.  I miss us." You're about to find out. 



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