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Learning to Sacrifice

     Everyone talks about compromises in relationships all the time.  Compromises are easy, sacrifices are what truly test a relationship.  Am I willing to give up something big for this person?  Are they worth sacrificing for?  Are you willing to change for them?  All big questions you have to ask yourself when making a sacrifice.

     Mommy Dearest Episode 32.  Parents have interesting ways of helping their children even if it isn't intentional.  For Carmilla, she and her "Mother's" relationship is complicated and not exactly on the loving side, but when the Dean possesses Laura she is about to teach Carmilla a valuable lesson even if it isn't on purpose. The dean starts to talk about sacrifices meaning the girls but for Carmilla, her "Mother's" words connect much differently.  Elle is brought up and "Mother," tells her that she is special and that Elle and Laura aren't worth sacrificing for.  Then the deal, Kirsch is brought in and Carmilla is to choose between Laura and Kirsch as long as Laura is kept out of the way.  At that moment the dean thinks she will get exactly what she wants.  Knowing Laura won't stand by and do nothing and that Carmilla again will not sacrifice herself to save someone she loves.  For Carmila this brings up all those questions from above and she will ultimately have to choose between saving herself again or sacrificing herself for Laura. 


      Sacrifices are major to how one feels, to one's values even to one's well-being.  Sacrifices aren't just putting our life on the line for another.  It's putting the relationship before school it's putting the relationship before family it's putting the relationship up against our own self-interests.  For me, I have made a few major sacrifices.  The first was moving home from the big city L and I lived in just after we had our first kid for her job.  L had always been applying for her dream job back home.  Our first child had just been born and L got a call she had gotten her dream job.  That was the amazing part.  The only problem I loved where we were.  The weather, the city, my job I was just starting to advance in our friends.  Moving home I would lose all of that and have to start over.  I said that's great let's do it and I became a stay-at-home dad instantly as we moved in with my in-laws.  Sacrifices come when we least expect them and you have to be willing to make them for that amazing person who is worth it.  L has made countless sacrifices we have three kids.  She is amazing.  Had I mentioned that already?  

      When Carmilla's mother made the deal with Carmilla she was presented with a sacrifice.  Knowing that Laura would never stop trying to defeat the dean.  Carmilla knew she was going to have to make a decision to get the sword and sacrifice herself for everyone and Laura or to stay back and hide like she did with Elle.  You can see her wrestling with the decision until she sees the video of Laura saying "You know"  Sacrifices come with great reward and great loss and we have to figure out if the sacrifice is worth it.  For me, it was worth it and I never regretted it to this day.


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