So we've been busy recently and have been stuck towards the end of the second season. Will finish it eventually. So I have been rewatching season one and re-reading old posts and have noticed things I had missed when writing the first time. A big one I noticed is that I totally missed the fact that if you look at episode 15 to episode 22 those episodes are essentially Carmilla's and Laura's first date.
This is definitely a just go with me kinda moment. It starts as a plan to lure Carmilla into a trap and the best way is for Laura to offer herself up as bait. Carmilla actually thinks the two are on a date up until they capture her and tie her to a chair. As time progresses Laura gets to know Carmilla a little better. Especially after the puppet show (The Talk). After that, they watch movies and spend a lot of time together for the next nine days. Sounds like a date right not exactly romantic with people coming in and out of the room all the time but moments that would happen on a date happened.
The first thing that happened that made me think of this is that the two got dressed up. The next was that Carmilla brought champagne as a gift so to speak. (The two actresses did a role reversal of this scene which was really funny Role Reversal) They then talked a lot and shared about each other. Not so far-fetched now. They even ended with a kiss kinda not exactly but close enough. They both learned things about the other through these 7 episodes that changed their opinions of the other. Laura learned that there's is more to Carmilla than the dark sarcastic evil there is sadness loneliness and fear. Carmilla learned that Laura cares about everyone no matter their flaws and that she will try to help anyone no matter what the circumstances. This helped cultivate a romance between the two. So no L didn't tie me up on our first date but we definitely weren't alone. Not at all.
Where to begin? S definitely was playing matchmaker, unlike Danny. So after we first met watching a movie (Animal House) in my room with our friends. L and S went out that night they invited me to go but I passed again remember goody two shoes here. So I can only imagine what that conversation was like between the two about me that night. The next day S and I talked about L and that I somewhat remember I told her I liked L and that I wanted to spend more time with her. That night was the door knock (Carmilla and Laura Parallels ). Now, this is pure speculation but I'm guessing S told L that I liked her at the party. Which led to the knock on the door. The next day this is my guess the two decided we should go to the movies (problem S, L, and I didn't have a car hence the roommate coming). L and I didn't sit next to each other in the car (not a good move on my part). Probably because I was so nervous.
This is where I give S a lot of credit. You have heard the story about lunch but what happened that Saturday night was what L and I call "the first date". So S asked me to go to the movies with L and her roommate. So here I am about to go to the movies with three girls doesn't sound like a date does it when there are two extra people but it definitely was. The movie we went to go see was called the Forgotten it was a strange movie not important but it freaked S out. L and I definitely had fun at her expense. The thing that made it feel like a date was that it felt like just me and L were there we didn't feel like there was anyone else with us.
After the movie, L, S, and I went out to the soccer field and we just kicked about. Eventually, I laid down on the field looking up I thought to myself want an amazing night. Now L and S totally set this up especially the last part it was definitely meant for me. There was no kiss good night. There was no staying together that night. What I did do is I walked her home and I would like to think if she had asked me to stay I would have I probably could have kissed her. The walk back to my dorm from her dorm I felt like I was walking on air. Just thinking about how wonderful the night had been and how much I liked L. I can't imagine what L was like after she left me for the night. For Laura and Carmilla things were not so perfect they were both still a bit angry at each other but they definitely had become friends. Hey, you gotta start somewhere right and that's all L and I were. We were just friends.
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